As the ground and air continues to warm, the month of May anticipates the beginning of summer often celebrated by the Beltane fire festival. This is a time of transition toward embracing new life possibilities. Taking this as our theme, the walking exploration considers the psychospiritual perspectives of “fire” and what this might mean for you. As the walk moves towards water, the day will also reflect on this in relation to your “fire”, through a combination of reflective exercises, and conversation, with the land and who lives there as your interpretive guides for the day.

The walk will take a route through Ford Moss Nature Reserve, across Broom Ridge to Goats Crag, and towards the waterfall at Routin Lynn (or Roughting Linn) and ancient cup and ring-marked rocks. We will then return to our starting point via a circular route, crossing Broomridgedean Burn.

Place: We will gather where the conifers sit as guardians to the entrance of Moss Ford Nature Reserve.
Walk difficulty: Moderate
Date/time: Saturday 30th April 2022 | 10.00am to 6.00pm.
Fee: £50 | Maximum 6 places